The Good Life!

There are new songs on my playlist. It’s Friday. I am going home next week. My hair finally feels a little longer. I arranged for a birthday surprise and extracted a hug from an otherwise awkward-with-physical-contact person! There is close to zero visibilty due to fog from the window at work. I drafted a proposal at work – it was appreciated. More than once. This has been a good week, … Continue reading “The Good Life!”


Mumbai became one of the 2011 destinations this month as I travelled for one of my most mundane yet heavy revenue earning clients. I’ve never really warmed up to the city, yet I thought I should give it another chance. By the end of two nights, I was blessing the lord to be able to return to Gurgaon and my beautiful office. One might ask why – to be honest, … Continue reading “Bomb(s)-A(w)ay?”


The past month has been such a rush. Ever since I got back from home, I was welcomed by an avalanche of work-related madness. There was the first Indian Grand Prix which the whole team was excited about. From the moment we pitched for the account, and won it, we realised that this was the biggest event that the country would witness in this year. Frequent drives to and from … Continue reading “October”

Time of My Life

It never rains when you want it to. Life is unpredictable, as are the people who form it. That seems to my biggest problem with it. Why cannot we stay still for a while, why cannot things that have taken months and years to perfect, not rest a little for a moment – just so that one can admire the effort put into creating them. The older and the wiser … Continue reading “Time of My Life”

Summer Tales

Although I cannot stop complaining about the way my life is increasingly edging towards mundane, looking back at my photo albums, there seems to have been a lot of movement. There seems to be a lot happening and I haven’t been able to keep account of the activities, so in no particular order, here goes: # Ridhima got married. Swetha, Bhardwaj and I splurged on an air-conditioned cab to get … Continue reading “Summer Tales”


It is just like turning the pages of a calendar, a kind of stone we step across, a chapter of the book we’re done with reading.Welcome to the philosophy of moving on. It is rather prevalent here, in this corporate jungle. New people pouring in and some of the older ones silently getting off the bus – it is all a part of what is better known as ‘life’. Almost … Continue reading “Pawwky”


March has been the most active month on the calendar from work point of view! Huge amount of client activity and was also part of the team organising the largest media conference in the first quarter of 2011! It has all been hush and crazy in terms of the amount of work, but guess being employed with one of the largest international Public Relations consultancies gives you these opportunities. Although … Continue reading “B-M-W”


It amazes me how changes in weather patterns affect my state of mind, and overwhelmingly, to say so! At the end of a day wherein my mood was a dripping graph, almost about to dive into the downbeat quadrants, there was sudden lightning, and there came the rains! We’re in that time of the year where one cannot really trust the meteorological department and nearly everyone around you is fending … Continue reading “Cumulonimbus!”

Living in Colour

The organisation I work for professes a philosophy by the name of ‘Living in Colour’, the crux of which is to be able to maintain one’s work-life balance. Increasingly, over the past few months I have noticed that I am the happiest when I am at work. There could be a variety of reasons as to why. For clarity and as I have always maintained that this is a forum … Continue reading “Living in Colour”

More Weekend Chronicles…

One of the more eventful weekends that I’ve spent in the past 7 months; more because these are the winters, and I have now sworn to not let my lack of mobility get in my way of meeting people and doing fun stuff! Friday night was the year-end office party! At a venue which was falsely communicated to be ‘Turquoise Cottage’ in Adchini, Delhi and turned out to be a … Continue reading “More Weekend Chronicles…”