Part Une

Today is one of those days when you have a series of thoughts gushing in I’ve been craving cake – not the flaky, stale kind; but the creamy, melt-in-your-mouth sortI might have dreamt of Sacre Coeur last nightThe first thing I read this morning that Oscar De La Renta was no more and immediately thought of the SATC pink dressI got myself a new hairdo and strutted along a street, … Continue reading “Part Une”

Paris je t’aime

Destination next was ‘La Ville-Lumière’ or the City of Light, better known to us as Paris! It is a pity that we could only visit the capital city this trip, the whole of the country is so beautiful and full of history, it would need probably a fortnight or more to skim through.   I have absolutely no recollections of the time when I first visited Paris, so was obviously … Continue reading “Paris je t’aime”

On the road…

Miles and miles of open skies With nothing to obstruct sight Haystacks and green meadows Dotted with lakes reflecting the blue above It almost looks like I could reach a hand out and touch these clouds – they seem so much closer to the ground. Cannot think of anything more close to magic…

Crêperie, s’il vous plaît?

I am often told that I do not eat to live, but rather eat to live.  Food is my panacea.  For when I’m low, when I’m ecstatic, when I’m afraid, when boredom strikes, or even life seem hopeless! As I have already written before, one of my most favourite television shows is definitely the Master Chef series. I also take particular pride in my ‘Gourmandise’ board on Pinterest. Now, since … Continue reading “Crêperie, s’il vous plaît?”

In a Paris state of mind..

So today I spent almost all day collecting and pinning pictures of the Eiffel Tower to a new board on Pinterest.   I saw the majestic structure in person when I was younger; along with some bikini clad Frenchwomen. But I can remember neither clearly.   Although the Tour De Eiffel has been a world landmark, there’s so much we do not know about it! For example, this beauty was … Continue reading “In a Paris state of mind..”

Dilli Diaries

Keeping true to at least one of my resolutions, have been braving the weekend afternoon laziness and stepping out over the past few weeks. The metro rides are now something I look forward to, the walks are getting longer, the winter clothes are being shed one after another, and I have perhaps begun to understand why some people are so fond of Delhi. It all began on a Friday while … Continue reading “Dilli Diaries”