Ramblings of the troubled mind

Have you ever had the feeling of non-belonging? The very same one which makes you feel as though everything’s lost. That palace of playing cards that you’ve been building for as long as you can remember has just been knocked over by a gush of wind, and it has all been undone. Living in a world where everyone’s a stranger. What it does to your morale when you find yourself … Continue reading “Ramblings of the troubled mind”

Observation chronicles

Increasingly, the human race is heading towards loner-ville. Several discussions and studies of behavioral patterns have proven that each individual is increasingly enhancing their belief in the sanity within oneself. Self sufficiency has an all new definition with regard to the disregard of people around oneself as thanks to technology and other distractions; we supposedly no longer need people around us. Well, it’s pleasant if they exist and show themselves … Continue reading “Observation chronicles”

The beginning of the end

This blog has been close to extinction. However, a lecture at college today about social media, by a professional from IABS left me rejuvenated. I am back at Pune, at the beginning of the very end of my course. This time in Kolkata was a complete vacation. Most of the time I would find myself on the easy chair facing the new Sony Bravia, poring over the Calcutta Times, attempting … Continue reading “The beginning of the end”