Dilli Diaries

Keeping true to at least one of my resolutions, have been braving the weekend afternoon laziness and stepping out over the past few weeks. The metro rides are now something I look forward to, the walks are getting longer, the winter clothes are being shed one after another, and I have perhaps begun to understand why some people are so fond of Delhi. It all began on a Friday while … Continue reading “Dilli Diaries”

Almost half a year in black and white

A lot has happened over the months. It is almost the end of October and I am overwhelmed by the fact that I have spent the past 6 months being employed and so far, been doing okay. The cliched ‘corporate’ was meant to be this big, bad world which was to remind you, visually, of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. So far, there have been bad days, days when I have wanted … Continue reading “Almost half a year in black and white”