Two Years Since

And it seems like just the other day when I was on the flight from Muscat to Gurgaon. A city which I had heard only evil things about – so near the big bad Delhi (as most Bengalis perceive and teach their children), where everything is ‘unsafe’, extremely expensive, impersonal and positively scary. Just the other day that I was looking for paying-guest rooms and people to stay with in this new … Continue reading “Two Years Since”

Be Taken Seriously

Richa reminded me of an article I had sent her one fine Thursday morning. Since I have now crossed over, it was essential to post this 🙂 — The first step towards being taken seriously by friends and strangers is to take yourself seriously. Sport your greys. If you don’t have any, dye your hair salt-and-pepper. Unless you are under 25. If you are under 25, nobody should take you … Continue reading “Be Taken Seriously”