Not to sound conceited or anything, but I’ve always had people tell me nice things about myself. Either I really am pretty awesome, or am surrounded by very kind people.
Since I have little experience being told of my negatives, the three below are mostly my observations:
# I overspend. I find it really difficult to save money. Whenever I have a sufficient amount in the account, I cannot seem to keep it. My father has always told me the importance of being prudent with finances, but I think I need more time, or a jolt (I hope not) to actually implement it.
# I am overtly emotional and sensitive. I overreact at most times, and by the time I calm down, the damage is usually done. Also, I overeat when I’m troubled – something that I am consciously trying to control.
# I never really forget. But I do forgive. Honest. Says a lot about letting go, but I find it close to impossible to not remember even the minutest of details.