Day 24# The Worst In Me…

Not to sound conceited or anything, but I’ve always had people tell me nice things about myself. Either I really am pretty awesome, or am surrounded by very kind people.  Since I have little experience being told of my negatives, the three below are mostly my observations: # I overspend. I find it really difficult to save money. Whenever I have a sufficient amount in the account, I cannot seem … Continue reading “Day 24# The Worst In Me…”


How should one handle failure? It feels great to post quotes saying ‘Don’t Give Up’ to the Pinterest board. But is it really possible to keep going? Is it better to let it go, thinking that this is probably not for you – than letting the fact that you weren’t able to make it bite your insides every day? What do you do when you keep trying and simply cannot achieve? … Continue reading “F”