My, time has flown past. It seemed like just the other day that I was endeavouring to start this month-long challenge to make things more interesting on the blog, and here I am on day thirty.
Today’s topic is to share my thoughts on letting go. I think I’ve said more than enough in the past. About the inability and constant struggle to be successful at this.
A few days ago I came across a quote, and it shed new light on the subject.
Herman Hesse said, “Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”
So instead of trying to collect and populate the cupboard of memories, breed hatred and hold on to things that weigh me down, I am going to attempt stopping doing all of the above. Stop holding to petty things that are important to only me. Stop being bothered by something someone said, which caused me hurt. Stop being afraid. Stop letting people affect me.
In time, I might even be ready to attempt sky diving.