No such thing

Whatever makes us think that there is possibly any such place where there is no gray. Although we attempt to increasingly live in colour, what we tend to forget is that the blacks and whites come together quite often to help us remember what reality is. There is no such person that will never let you down. No such thing that you will never tire of. No such place where … Continue reading “No such thing”

Almost half a year in black and white

A lot has happened over the months. It is almost the end of October and I am overwhelmed by the fact that I have spent the past 6 months being employed and so far, been doing okay. The cliched ‘corporate’ was meant to be this big, bad world which was to remind you, visually, of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. So far, there have been bad days, days when I have wanted … Continue reading “Almost half a year in black and white”