It’s a first!

Earlier into the year, I had written about the desire for lone travelling and mentioned that the solitude, in some cases was one of my biggest fears. Although I enjoy my alone time immensely and quite often crave for more, watching a movie in a theatre alone has been something I was yet to tread on. I have always dreaded it thinking that it was the sort of thing loners … Continue reading “It’s a first!”


Over the past two weekends, I have taken to quarantining myself to the house and doing absolutely nothing. A huge portion of the activity is attributed to the overbearing summers which are simply not in the mood to go away. Hence the Saturdays and the Sundays are spent in the confines of the single air conditioned room reading, catching up on sleep or watching movies/series on the laptop (Since the … Continue reading “Atlantis”

Summer Tales

Although I cannot stop complaining about the way my life is increasingly edging towards mundane, looking back at my photo albums, there seems to have been a lot of movement. There seems to be a lot happening and I haven’t been able to keep account of the activities, so in no particular order, here goes: # Ridhima got married. Swetha, Bhardwaj and I splurged on an air-conditioned cab to get … Continue reading “Summer Tales”