Sun ~ Sea ~ Sand

There used to be a time when I didn’t mind working weekends, lots of consecutive weekends. Late hours. Pizza for all three meals. Doing the work of three people at less than the basic wage rate of a American Mc Donald’s fries maker.  Those days are long gone. As have the reasons why I even enjoyed the crazy times.  So when I was asked to staff a weekend media event, … Continue reading “Sun ~ Sea ~ Sand”


I had to look up the meaning of ‘Geek’ before deciding to label this post. Although many might differ and say that the dictionary meaning is a person who is socially inept or the likes, but the other one (the more commonly used one) is someone who knows just too much about something and is borderline obsessed with a subject. In my case, I was looking for a distraction at … Continue reading “Geekery!”

The American Sojourn!

So it has been a week that I returned from the States and I’m not even close to wearing off the jet lag. Now that I’m actually feeling more like myself, an account is necessary. So where shall I start… Reetika, Richa and I know each other from the time that we went to college at SCMS-UG – around the time that the iPod classic first generation was in vogue. Through … Continue reading “The American Sojourn!”

6 | 12: Twelve Random Entertaining Things I Did

Know those little moments which seem like so much fun while you’re in the swing. For a while, you think of them, talk about them, and with time, they vanish from your memory. Then another day, years later a random picture, a conversation or a little post-it in your diary remind you of them. These are mine, from 2012: Got together with the girls for Ladies Night at Cafe Morrison. … Continue reading “6 | 12: Twelve Random Entertaining Things I Did”

Tuesdays at Morrison

Who goes drinking on Tuesday nights? Four girls. Cafe Morrison. Drama. Many laughs. “V”. Long Island Ice Teas. An unending slice of chocolate cake.  Waay to many Cosmopolitans attributable to Ladies Night. John Mayer singles. Spicy potato sliders. Bhardwaj, Shukla and their tall drinks! Yes, thats an iPhone! With a lavender cover! Thank you for letting me hold it, Milan ♥ There was minimum talk about work. I havent laughed this … Continue reading “Tuesdays at Morrison”

P Tag!

It is time for a ‘tag’ post picked up from my favourite blog. Rules: I need to use the first letter of my name to answer each of the following questions. Answers have to be real – nothing made up. I cannot use any word twice I cannot use my name for the boy/girl name question. Here goes! # Name: Priyam # A four-letter word: Poem # A boy’s name: … Continue reading “P Tag!”

Pinning Away!

When I first heard of Pinterest, my first reaction was that of being wary. Just like I had been distrustful of Facebook when it had arrived. On an impulse, I signed up almost a week ago and I’ve been ecstatic ever since. The network is like something I have always maintained in my personal computer – I still have folders which read Movie Posters, Interesting Advertisements, Shoes, Food Photography and … Continue reading “Pinning Away!”

Shaadi Mubarak!

2011 has been big on the weddings front. Two very close friends and a brother got hitched and I’m very fortunate that I was able to be present and collect my own share of happy memories with them. Ridhima-Bhavya in May, Shoi-Bulan in July and most recently, Riki Bhaiya and his Jabalpur bride this month. Amongst a variety of speculations on whether I would be or should be able to … Continue reading “Shaadi Mubarak!”


The past month has been such a rush. Ever since I got back from home, I was welcomed by an avalanche of work-related madness. There was the first Indian Grand Prix which the whole team was excited about. From the moment we pitched for the account, and won it, we realised that this was the biggest event that the country would witness in this year. Frequent drives to and from … Continue reading “October”